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File iscan-plugin.spec of Package iscan-plugin
# # spec file for package iscan-plugin # # Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define iscan_package %(rpm -q --qf '%%{name}' --whatprovides iscan) %define iscan_version %(rpm -q --qf '%%{version}' %{iscan_package}) Name: iscan-plugin # Use the highest iscan package version number since when a module was added # as Suse package version and have Epson Avasys' release number at the end: Version: %{iscan_version} Release: 1 Summary: Iscan plugin for Image Scan for Epson Scanners License: AVASYSPL Group: Hardware/Scanner Url: # GT-F720/GT-S620, Perfection V30/V300 Photo Source0: esci-interpreter-gt-f720-0.1.1-2.i386.rpm Source1: esci-interpreter-gt-f720-0.1.1-2.x86_64.rpm # Epson GT-S50 and GT-S80 scanner Source2: esci-interpreter-gt-s80-1.0.0-1.i686.rpm Source3: esci-interpreter-gt-s80-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm # GT-F730/GT-S630/Perfection V33/V330 Source4: esci-interpreter-perfection-v330-1.0.0-1.i686.rpm Source5: esci-interpreter-perfection-v330-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson GT-15000 scanner Source6: iscan-network-nt-1.1.2-1.i686.rpm Source7: iscan-network-nt-1.1.2-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Stylus CX4300/CX4400/CX4450/CX5500/CX5600/DX4400/DX4450 scanners Source8: iscan-plugin-cx4400-2.1.4-1.i686.rpm Source9: iscan-plugin-cx4400-2.1.4-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson WorkForce DS-30 Source10: iscan-plugin-ds-30-1.0.1-1.i686.rpm Source11: iscan-plugin-ds-30-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson GT-1500 scanner Source12: iscan-plugin-gt-1500-2.2.1-1.i686.rpm Source13: iscan-plugin-gt-1500-2.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Perfection Photo V200 scanners and similar Source14: iscan-plugin-gt-f670-2.1.3-1.i686.rpm Source15: iscan-plugin-gt-f670-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm # GT-F700 Perfection V350 Photo Source16: iscan-plugin-gt-f700-2.1.3-1.i686.rpm Source17: iscan-plugin-gt-f700-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Perfection 4180 / GT-F600 Source18: iscan-plugin-gt-s600-2.1.3-1.i686.rpm Source19: iscan-plugin-gt-s600-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Perfection 4490 / GT-X750 Source20: iscan-plugin-gt-x750-2.1.3-1.i686.rpm Source21: iscan-plugin-gt-x750-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Colorio GT-X770/Perfection Photo V500 scanners Source22: iscan-plugin-gt-x770-2.1.3-1.i686.rpm Source23: iscan-plugin-gt-x770-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Colorio GT-X820/Perfection Photo V600 scanners Source24: iscan-plugin-gt-x820-2.2.1-1.i686.rpm Source25: iscan-plugin-gt-x820-2.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm # Epson Perfection V37, V370, GT-F740 and GT-S640 scanners Source26: iscan-plugin-perfection-v370-1.0.1-1.i686.rpm Source27: iscan-plugin-perfection-v370-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm # EPSON Perfection V19 scanner Source28: iscan-plugin-gt-s650-1.1.1-1.i686.rpm Source29: iscan-plugin-gt-s650-1.1.1-1.x86_64.rpm # EPSON GT-X820, Perfection V550 Source30: iscan-plugin-perfection-v550-1.0.1-1.i686.rpm Source31: iscan-plugin-perfection-v550-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: iscan BuildRequires: iscan-data Requires: iscan iscan-firmware Conflicts: iscan-free BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 %package -n iscan-firmware Summary: Firmware files for Epson scanners Group: Hardware/Scanner BuildArch: noarch %prep # Create a "name-version" directory and change into it but don't unpack anything: %setup -q -c -T # Unpack the sources (see the Suse internal script /work/src/bin/unrpm how to do it): CPIO_OPTS="--extract --unconditional --preserve-modification-time --make-directories --verbose" %ifarch i586 for f in %{S:0} %{S:2} %{S:4} %{S:6} %{S:8} %{S:10} %{S:12} \ %{S:14} %{S:16} %{S:18} %{S:20} %{S:22} %{S:24} %{S:26} %{S:28} %{S:30} do case $( rpm2cpio $f | head -c 2 - ) in BZ) rpm2cpio $f | bunzip2 | cpio ${CPIO_OPTS} ;; *) rpm2cpio $f | cpio ${CPIO_OPTS} ;; esac done %endif %ifarch x86_64 for f in %{S:1} %{S:3} %{S:5} %{S:7} %{S:9} %{S:11} %{S:13} \ %{S:15} %{S:17} %{S:19} %{S:21} %{S:23} %{S:25} %{S:27} %{S:29} %{S:31} do case $( rpm2cpio $f | head -c 2 - ) in BZ) rpm2cpio $f | bunzip2 | cpio ${CPIO_OPTS} ;; *) rpm2cpio $f | cpio ${CPIO_OPTS} ;; esac done %endif %build # There is nothing to build. %install # Install the proprietary binary driver libraries: install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/iscan install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/esci cp -a usr/%{_lib}/iscan/{libesint*,network} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/iscan/ cp -a usr/%{_lib}/esci/libesci* %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/esci/ # The firmware files must be installed into this directory # because the epkowa backend searches them in this directory: install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/iscan install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/esci install -m 644 usr/share/iscan/esfw* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/iscan/ install -m 644 usr/share/esci/esfw* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/esci/ # Install the data files: install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/iscan-data pushd usr/share/iscan-data for d in * do install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/iscan-data/$d install -m 644 $d/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/iscan-data/$d done popd %fdupes -s usr/share/doc find %{buildroot} -name \*.so -exec rm {} \; %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc usr/share/doc/* %{_libdir}/iscan %{_libdir}/esci %{_datadir}/iscan-data %files -n iscan-firmware %defattr(-,root,root) %{_datadir}/iscan %{_datadir}/esci %description The proprietary binary libraries are provided (in object code form only) under the terms of the license agreement provided in the EAPL and LICENSE files in the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/iscan-plugin The proprietary libraries used by the driver epkowa are only needed for the following scanners (see: * libesci-interpreter-gt-f720: GT-F720/GT-S620, Perfection V30/V300 Photo * esci-interpreter-gt-s*: Epson GT-S50 and GT-S80 scanner * libesci-interpreter-perfection-v330: GT-F730/GT-S630/Perfection V33/V330 * network: Plugin for using Epson scanners with ISCAN over network * libesint7E: Stylus CX4300/CX4400/CX4450/CX5500/CX5600/DX4400/DX4450 * libiscan-plugin-ds-30: Epson WorkForce DS-30 * libesint86: Epson GT-1500 scanner * libesint7A: Epson Perfection Photo V200 scanners and similar * libesint68: GT-F700 Perfection V350 Photo * libesint66: Epson Perfection 4180 / GT-F600 * libesint54: Epson Perfection 4490 / GT-X750 * libesint7C: Epson Colorio GT-X770/Perfection Photo V500 scanners * libesintA1: Epson Colorio GT-X820/Perfection Photo V600 scanners * libiscan-plugin-perfection-v370: Epson Perfection V37, V370, GT-F740 and GT-S640 scanners * libiscan-plugin-gt-s650: Epson Perfection V19 scanner * libiscan-plugin-perfection-v550: EPSON GT-X820, Perfection V550 If your scanner is supported by the driver epkowa but does not need a proprietary module, you can use a software package iscan or it may also work with a driver which is included in the package sane-backends. %description -n iscan-firmware Additionally proprietary firmware files are only needed for the following scanners: * esfw8b.bin: Epson GT-F720/GT-S620, Perfection V30/V300 Photo * esfwad.bin: Epson Perfection GT-F730/GT-S630/Perfection V33/V330 * esfw86.bin: Epson GT-1500 scanner * esfw7A.bin: Epson Perfection Photo V200 scanners and similar * esfw68.bin: Perfection V350 PHOTO / GT-F700- * esfw66.bin: Perfection V10 / GT-S600, Perfection V100 PHOTO / GT-F650 * esfw54.bin: Perfection 4490 PHOTO / GT-X750 * esfw7C.bin: Epson Colorio GT-X770/Perfection Photo V500 scanners * esfwA1.bin: Epson Colorio GT-X820/Perfection Photo V600 scanners * esfwdd.bin: Epson Perfection V37, V370, GT-F740 and GT-S640 scanners * esfw010c.bin: EPSON Perfection V19 scanner * esfweb.bin: EPSON GT-X820, Perfection V550 %changelog
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